Earthship Eco Homes

Directory Categories: Consultants Professionals

1 Review on “Earthship Eco Homes”

1 reviews
  • Mark Van Laarhoven

    If you want to get going with an Earthship in Australia, you couldn’t do better than to contact Marty at Earthship Eco Homes. I started my journey learning an event he hosted then at one of his workshops. Great knowlege of the processes to getting approvals and for skilling people up with the confidence to get started. He was the first to host Mike Reynolds in Australia and did his thesis on the thermal performance of Earthships if you are up for a light read, I have no clue how to read those formulas but was able to build a beautiful Earthship home in Marulan with what I had learnt.
    Do yourself a favour and go to one of the Earthship Eco Home workshops, you will be inspired.
    I don’t know how many Earthships he has under his belt so far but I know that no one in this country has more.

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