Join the Community
Join the community and receive member benefits for 1 year. Whether you’re just starting, already on your way or working across the industry there is a tiered package for you.
As a casual member you can benefit from advertising your future events, learn from tailored online content and receive the regular newsletter so you can reach new networks. Have an established business within the Natural Building industry? Join as a business member and enjoy the added bonus of representing and advertising your business to an engaged audience.
By joining the natural building community you can find out what you need to know, who you can contact to help get your project moving, and where to find answers to those tricky questions!
Free Member
An opportunity to help grow the network capacity & industry for natural building in Australia.
- Free Event Listings - Unlimited
(only valid for events that are free to attend). - Regular newsletter
Casual Member
$100per year
Activate your contribution to the natural building community & engage with a wider audience.
- Event listings - Unlimited
- 1 Featured event listings on homepage per year
- Social media & email marketing support for featured events
- Exclusive members only offers for industry events and courses
- Regular newsletter
Business Member
$200per year
Grow your reach & engagement by showcasing your experience and contribution within the industry.
- Directory profiles - Unlimited
- Event listings - Unlimited
- 3 Featured event or profile listings on homepage per year
- Social media & email marketing support for featured listings
- Exclusive members only offers for industry events and courses
- Regular newsletter