Earthship Australia Video Series Package


includes 3 video downloads

Video 1 | Origins

Sept 2021

Presented by Dr Martin Freney, Earthship EcoHomes and Dr Rachel Goldlust, Natural Building Australia

This seminar contains a review of all Earthship projects that have happened in Australia and New Zealand since the early 2010s. It includes highlights, build times, design processes and problems in obtaining permits and/or fitting an earthship design to a particular site.

The second part contains a review of the origins of Earthship Australia, inc founded in 2010 and the projects it has been involved with and how it evolved.

Finishes with a QnA with earthship crew past and present.

Video 2 | Planning, Approvals & Research

October 2021

Presented by Dr Martin Freney, Earthship EcoHomes

This seminar runs through the requirements and processes for obtaining council approvals for Earthships in Australia as experienced by Marty, who was the first to receive a permit in 2012. Marty has been monitoring the life cycle assessments of his earthship and has data obtained to help future partiicpants navigate the ratings systems for thermal mass dwellings.

The second part brings together Gus Anning from Earthship Ti Matanga, NZ to discuss his process of obtaining a permit in New Zealand, Daniel Solarsh and Mark Van Laarhoven discussing Earthship Marulan in Goulburn NSW, and a general Q and A.

Video 3 | Workshops & Recent Builds

December 2021

This session gives an overview of three projects in Australia: Introducing Earthship Twitchen Hill, Jurien Bay, Western Australia with thermal modelling undertaken on East Augusta and the process of building a small earthship at Narrara ecovillage NSW. End with a Q and A with the owners and builders of each one. Topics of humidity, mechanisation and community building are all discussed.

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